3-Day Immersive Workshop

The Art of Fulfilment

For Experienced Growth Students Wanting to Integrate Spirituality, Purpose, Trauma Work and Abundance into One Powerful Approach to life.

I’m Certified in or Use the Following Modalities In My Coaching:

  • Non-Violent Communication

  • Vedic/Yogic Wisdom

  • Courage Practices

  • Dating Coaching

  • Nervous System Re-engineering

  • Masculine-Feminine Dynamics

  • Holistic Health Coaching

  • Tantric Philosophy/Practices

  • Mother/Father Wound Healing

  • High-Performance Rituals

  • Intuitive Coaching

  • Childhood Developmental Therapy

  • Somatic Release Work

  • Inner Child Work

  • Trauma Work

  • Parts Work

  • Internal Family Systems

  • Family Constellation Therapy

  • NLP/Timeline Therapy

  • Wealth Creation

  • Transcendence Meditation

  • Transformational Breathwork

  • Emotional Release Work

  • Business Coaching

You want it all!

You’re like me, you’re a growth junkie wanting:

  • Massive financial abundance

  • A purpose-driven business

  • A soulmate growth-partnership

  • Amazing health and energy

  • Deep inner peace

  • Unbreakable self-worth

  • Most Importantly; True Fulfilment

It’s not coming together though…

When you work on your mental health and inner peace, the business slows...

You're doing the healing work, but that ain't bringing the finances...

When you work hard in that job that doesn't inspire you, your soul suffers...

You don’t stop leaning in, but the dots aren't connecting…

I get it! Integrating it all is tough!

I used every ounce of energy to build a $10M purpose-filled business, but was lonely, unfulfilled and exhausted!

I then fully surrendered, meditated, tripped, received and enjoyed life, but lacked purpose, finances and success!

I had spent $750,000+ on personal and spiritual development, but was confused on how the success, mental, emotional and spiritual principles worked together!

I was constantly looking for the next solution...

David Goggins, to Eckhart Tolle, to Tony Robbins, to Joe Dispenza, to Therapy, to Diet, to Wim Hoff, to NLP, to Manifestation, to Stoicism, to Embodied Movement, to Meditation, to Plant Medicine, to 6-Figure Business, to Breathwork, to Reiki, to Intuitive Work, to Coaching Certification etc. etc.

For years I adopted the next shiny solution which always inevitably lost it’s excitement and potency...

To make things more confusing

Gurus are constantly contradicting each other:

Tony Robbins - “Create a Positive State”
Dr John Demartini - “You’ll always be Equally Positive and Negative”

Eckhart Tolle - “Be Content in the Now.”
David Goggins - “Don’t Accept this, Push Harder.”

All Trauma Work - “Heal Trauma = better life.”
William Whitecloud - “Healing doesn’t work, focus on what you want to create.”

Then, I was gifted a MIRACLE!

3 Years ago when I was journalling, God spoke to me and gave me a gift that changed my life forever...

I finally saw a way of approaching life that integrates all of the PD, healing, spiritual and success categories of growth.

I couldn’t believe it. The dots finally connected!

This was the answer I’d be searching for my entire life!!!

The answer was simple, but super nuanced…

It wasn’t that any of the solutions or people I’d learnt them from were right/wrong...

There was a hidden undercurrent that contained and contextualised how we relate to life itself…

…this subtle piece of awareness is the biggest blindspot that exists in the entire world today!

The Final Solution…

In this 3-day experience-led workshop, you will be guided to understand and embrace the answer to the age old question;

What is the meaning of life?

You’ll leave this workshop with the Final Solution;

A powerful series of frameworks and practices that will unlock clarity, power and fulfilment forever.

If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel and find the true freedom you deserve...

Let’s Do This!

Workshop Details:

3 Day Event | Friday-Sunday | 7am-7pm

Next Dates: Late 2024 (Exact Dates TBC)

Venue: TBC (Melbourne Region)

Investment: $1,500+GST


Kathryn Kassab

"I've invested over 100k in my personal development and this is like nothing I've ever experienced... it blew my mind."

Bronson Interlandi

"A lot of the challenges and activities have been life changing... It was the most powerful thing I've ever done."

Kathryn Grace

"I can hold myself in a new way and navigate my life and fear in a new way... it's super empowering."